TTT 計算メモ †コマンド用法 †ttt <inputfile> [-B] [-D<zmin>] [-E<lon/lat> or -e<file>] [-Ga|b|f|i] [-N<nodes>] [-O<mm/dd/yyyy/hh/mi>[/<ss>]] [-R<w/e/s/n>] [-S[<radius>][/<depth>]] [-T<ttt_prefix>] [-V[l]] inputfile の部分は下記の ttt_topo_XXX.i2 のファイル(XXX は解像度)のうちのいずれかを選ぶ. ttt_topo_10m.i2 ttt_topo_15m.i2 ttt_topo_1m.i2 ttt_topo_20m.i2 ttt_topo_2m.i2 ttt_topo_30m.i2 ttt_topo_30s.i2 ttt_topo_5m.i2 ttt_topo_60m.i2 デフォルトの通りインストールしていれば /usr/share/geoware/ttt/data にこれらのファイルが格納されているはず. ttt ttt_topo_10m (...続き...) のように書く.
各オプションの詳細は以下の通り. Usage: ttt <inputfile> [-B] [-D<zmin>] [-E<lon/lat> or -e<file>] [-Ga|b|f|i] [-N<nodes>] [-O<mm/dd/yyyy/hh/mi>[/<ss>]] [-R<w/e/s/n>] [-S[<radius>][/<depth>]] [-T<ttt_prefix>] [-V[l]] ttt attempts to decode <inputfile> using the following order: 1. If filename ends in ".b" it is read as bathymetry data [GMT binary float format]. 2. If filename ends in ".i2" it is read as bathymetry data [GMT binary short format]. 3. If $TTT_DIR/<inputfile>.i2 exists it will be used as bathymetry data [GMT binary short format]. OPTIONS: -B Do NOT normalize the travel times [Default normalizes to avoid bias]. -D Specify a minimum water depth [0]. Depths shallower than 2*z0 will be adjusted so that depth goes quadratically from z0 to 2*z0 instead of 0-2*z0. -E Set the location of the epicenter. -e Give filename with multiple "epicenters" to mimic a non-point source. -G Store travel times in one of four formats. Choose from -Ga Store travel times as ESRI Arc/Info ASCII Grid Interchange format (*.asc). -Gb Store travel times as ESRI Gridfloat file (separate header *.hdr and binary *.flt files). -Gf Store travel times as GMT native float grid (*.b) [Default]. -Gi Store travel times as GMT native 2-byte int grid with units of 10 sec (*.i2). Do no supply a file extension with -T as -G will set it. -N Number of Huygens nodes to use (8, 16, 32, 48, or 64) [64] -O Set earthquake origin time (UTC). Use lower case -o if local time is used. -R Specify a sub-region of the grid [Use entire grid]. -S Substitute nearest ocean node if epicenter is on land. Optionally, append search radius in degrees [5]. Furthermore, you may append the minimum depth you want to place epicenter [0]. -T Set prefix for the output grid file with travel times in hrs [ttt]. Extension will be added automatically (see -G for file formats). -V Give feedback while running [Default is quiet]. Append l to see relocated epicenter (if using -S).
計算例 †#!/bin/bash TTT_DIR=/usr/share/geoware/ttt/data epicenter="142.86E/38.10333N" topo="ttt_topo_10m" output="test1" ttt64 ${topo} -E${epicenter} -T${output} -V gmt begin $output png gmt makecpt -Cmagma -T0/30/1 gmt grdcut ${TTT_DIR}/${topo}.i2 -R${output}.b=bf -Gtmp.i2 gmt grdgradient tmp.i2 -A0 -Nt1.2 gmt grdimage ${output}.b=bf -JA${epicenter}/12 -Rg gmt colorbar -DjMR+w10.0/0.25+o-1.0/-0.2 -Ba5f5 gmt grdcontour ${output}.b=bf -C1 -Wgray -GlZ-/Z+ gmt coast -Ggray90 -Dh -W0.1p -A500 -Baf echo "142.86 38.10333" | gmt plot -Sa0.4 -Gyellow -W0.1 gmt end |