TTT - ttt_pick コマンド


TTT の実行結果から特定地点のtravel timeを抽出するコマンド.

$ ttt_pick --help
ttt_pick 3.2.2 [32-bit] - Sampling of a 2-D gridded travel time file at specified locations

usage: ttt_pick <xyfile> -G<ttt_file> [-D] [-H[<n>]] [-V] [-Z<depth>,<depth.i2>] [-h|m|s] [-:]
       <xyfile> is a multicolumn ASCII file with (lon,lat) in the first two columns
	-G <ttt_file> is the name of the 2-D grid produced by ttt.

	-D will report the distance to the nearest non-NaN node in last column [no report]
	-H means <xyfile> has one or more (append <n>) header records
	-I Travel times in l837559 were stored as 2 byte ints with units of 10 sec [Default is 4-byte float in hours]
	-V for verbal feedback; will report progress
	-Z Sample travel time at point nearest to station where water depth is <depth> m or deeper.
	   Give <depth.grd> is the name of the bathymetry grid used to calculate the travel times.
	   Note <depth> is negative below the sea surface [Default is no depth search]
	-h|m|s reports travel times in hours, minutes, or seconds [hours]
	-: <xyfile> contains lat,lon instead of lon,lat


TTT の実行結果のファイルを -G オプションの次にファイル名で指定する. 求める地点が1地点でけであれば

echo "132.5 30.5" | ttt_pick -Gttt_result.b

で抽出できる.出力は,経度,緯度,走時(in hour)の列構成で,3列目がほしい値. まとめてやるなら

awk '{print $2, $3}' file_ttt.txt | ttt_pick -Gsource_0100.b > traveltime_0100.txt


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Last-modified: 2024-11-11 (Mon) 07:30:50 (99d)